Thursday, October 18, 2012

Prog 1 Final Exam Batch 1

Simple Calculator

Create a program that will have actions as a simple Calculator. It should display a menu

Welcome to My Calculator

Enter first the operation
A – Addition
S – Subtraction
M – Multiplication
D – Division
Q – Square
C –Cubed
E – Exit

Enter you choice:

If the user enters either, A, S, M or D, the program should again ask for two values to enter.

Enter first value:
Enter second value:

Then it will display the sum, difference, product or quotient.

If the user enters either Q or C, the program should again ask the user to enter only one value
            Enter a value:
Then it will display either squared valued or cubed value.

In the menu, if the user enters E, the program should print “Thank you for using My Calculator.” And automatically exit the whole program

If the user enters neither of the choices, the program should print “Wrong Choice. Run again the My Calculator.” And the whole program will exit.


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